
Episode 338 - The Socialist Equality Party

In this episode, Trevor interviews Max Boddy and Oscar Grenfell from the Socialist Equality Party.

The Socialist Equality Party is standing Senate candidates in NSW, Victoria and Queensland in the 2022 election to advance a socialist program of action for workers to fight for their class interests against the relentless assault on their basic social and democratic rights.

Max Boddy, 33, is the Assistant National Secretary of the SEP and a member of the national committee. He writes for the World Socialist Web Site on the issues facing asylum seekers and their inhumane treatment at the hands of Australian governments, whether Coalition or Labor.

Oscar Grenfell, 30, is the national convenor of the SEP's youth movement, the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, a member of the SEP’s national committee and a regular correspondent for the World Socialist Web Site. He has written extensively on key political and industrial issues, including in defence of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, the political and social crisis confronting young people and exposures of the pro-capitalist policies of the Greens and of the pseudo-left’s divisive “identity” politics.

Mentioned in this episode:


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News, political events, culture, ethics and the transformations taking place in our society.

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dave slatyer $200
general thanks especially tiananmen episode , plenty to reconsider and the Episode 440 - Venezuela's Election
Colin J Ely $10
Keep up the good work
Steve Shinners $20
This is for In the Eye of the Storm. Better than shouting beer anyway 😊