
Episode 28 – 20 January 2016

Clive Palmer – goodbye click here but there is a cleanup issue click here

The Immigration department is buying lots of medals click here

Tim Mander to take over Qld LNP click here

15 year old Pakistani boy chops off his own hand click here and it is a true story click here

Dominos minimum wage petition click here

January 23 is the International Day of Protest of Hereditory Religion click here

Iceland click here and note Germany and tithing click here

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster seeks recognition in Australia click here but note the Russian response click here

The TPP is not worth the risk click here

Gender imbalance in Europe click here

Is it possible to wear a headscarf in solidarity with Muslim women? 

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Colin J Ely $10
Keep up the good work
Steve Shinners $20
This is for In the Eye of the Storm. Better than shouting beer anyway 😊